It is amazing how much Clare has changed in the last couple of weeks. She is starting to look so grown up and is smiling all the time. She is a very happy baby and for the most part is only fussy when she wants something to eat or needs her pants changed. It is so much fun to see her change everyday. Clare is starting to make cooing sounds and stares intently at Mitch and I when we are talking with her. It seems like she is trying to copy what we are doing with our lips to make some of the same sounds.
We have had some pretty major changes in our household. Last week was my first week back to work and it was full-time. It was so difficult for me to leave Clare that Mitch has to take her to day care in the mornings because I'm still not able too. My mom did come down for a couple of days which helped a little. The good thing is that the day care provider is wonderful and loves her like her own. There are also other little girls there who love to give Clare attention.
We have started to work on Clare sitting up. Last weekend we purchased a Bumbo chair for her to sit up in. She really enjoys sitting in it and we enjoy putting her in it and talking to her. It is amazing how she changes everyday.