Monday, March 8, 2010

Leah 5 Months

Leah has the best facial expressions and most piercing blue eyes. People are always commenting on how big and bright her eyes are. She loves to people watch just like her Mommy. She has been such a great addition to our family.
Leah's milestones:
Rolling from front to back constantly.
Smiles at everyone and everything.
Blows bubbles with her lips and smacks them while watching people eat.
Loves to eat from Mom. (She spends most of the evenings during the week and all day on the weekends nursing.)
Sleeps through the night from 8-7.
Loves to sit in exersaucer and watch Clare play.
Loves to be cuddled and kissed on.
Makes the funniest faces.
She will roll and squirm all over the floor until she gets what she wants.
Grabs anything and everything in sight especially Clare's hair.
Loves to be sung too.
A total Mommy's girl. She will be totally content playing until she sees me and then lets out a shriek wanting to be picked up.
Loves splashing around in the bath tub.

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