Today I had my 38 week doctor check-up. The doctor was pleased to see some progression with my cervix and Clare has definitely engaged. It is becoming easier for the doctor to feel where she is at. Her heartbeat sounds good and she is definitely putting on the weight. She has slowed down a little bit but I think it is due to her being a little squished. The doctor says I have a 50/50 chance of making it to my next appointment. Hopefully, her prediction is correct and we will have a baby within the next week.
I'm definitely getting more tired and I been going home around 3 so that I take a little nap to get me through the evening. Part of the problem is the fact that I'm up at least five times at night using the restroom. I have been trying to do some sort of exercise on a daily basis to move things along, which isn't very easy due to the increasing size of my belly, which Mitch reminds me on a daily basis how it is expanding. He is pretty amazed with the whole pregnancy thing. I remind him that for us women, especially at nine months, we really don't like to hear the comment "Wow your getting big." I know he isn't trying to be hurtful but these pregnancy hormones make us very sensitive.
Mitch and Clare have started to play a little game at night where he pushes on her various body parts trying to get her to kick back and move. She is pretty responsive and usually wakes up. The only problem with this is they play this game right before we are trying to go to bed so then Clare becomes restless for about an hour and Mitch just rolls over and goes to sleep. I keep reminding him that pretty soon he will be able to stay up with her while I get some sleep.
For the most part I have enjoyed being pregnant and we are so thankful that I have had an easy pregnancy. We are both looking forward to Clare making her entrance into this world, even though I must admit I'm a little nervous about the whole birthing process. We wake up everyday wondering if today will be the day but only time will tell. I will try to post some pictures of my expanding belly. Clare better come soon because my maternity clothes aren't fitting very well these days.
I love your updates! I am praying and thinking about you. You'll do awesome in labor. I know what you mean though, I am a little nervous too. Take care, Jess
Hope you don't mind, but Aubrey passed on your blog page to me. I'm so excited for you and Mitch. Don't worry about'll forget all about it once you see Clare's sweet face! Take care, Laurel :)
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