Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Four Months Old

We can't believe that Clare is already four months old. Time seems to be flying by and Clare is changing everyday. She rolls over all the time. We no longer can leave her unattended. She is able to grasp toys and move them up to her mouth. Everything goes in her mouth these days. She also scoots around on her stomach when we lay her on the ground. Some of her favorite things to do are to play in the saucer and her johnny jumper. She is also starting to hold her own bottle when we feed her. Mitch is home for the summer and Clare is enjoying the time she gets to spend with her dad. She is still going to day care a couple days a week so that we can keep her in a routine.
I'm so tired from daycare! I like to sleep with my giraffe.
Look at me such a big girl, I like to stand up on my own and look over the back of the couch.

I like my new shades!!

This is hard work jumping in my Johnny Jumper.

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